Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Courage to Stand up to Opposition

In today’s Gospel, Mk 3: 1-6, the Pharisees “watched Jesus closely to see if he would cure…a man on the Sabbath so they might accuse him.”  When Jesus set the regulations aside and revealed God’s compassion and mercy, the Pharisees left his presence and “immediately took counsel with the Herodians against him to put him to death.”  In similar situations, do I stand aside looking for ways to denounce another;  and when I have identified what I consider a misdemeanor, a breaking of “the law”,  a tradition, a “we-don’t- do-things-that-way”, do I quickly consult with “Herodians” to further condemn/”kill”  the person who challenges my thinking, my behavior, my attitudes of superiority, my posturing for position, my pride?

Jesus looked at them “with anger” and was “grieved at their hardness of heart.” He called the man with the withered hand to the front of the synagogue and said to him: “Stretch out your hand”  and the hand was restored! Jesus did not back down when others opposed him, when others took Him to task, were determined to berate Him--yes, bent on destroying Him. What do I do when others oppose me when I know I am called to do what I am doing, to say what needs to be said, to act in accord with God’s will no matter how others react to me?

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