Saturday, January 12, 2013

Adopted by God

The entrance antiphon of today’s liturgy from Galatians 4: 4-5 reminds me that “God sent his Son, born of a woman, so that [I] might receive adoption as [God’s child]”.  By that adoption God has made of me a new creation for Himself (opening prayer of the liturgy).

Imagine being an adopted child. As such, one is especially chosen by one’s adoptive parents.  The adopted child is a full participant in all that constitute this adopted family. He/she is inundated in and taught the values of that family.  The faith of that family, the love of that family, the hopes and expectations of that family become part of the essence of this adopted child, if the child is open and receptive  to the family’s love.

Translate that to being God’s adopted child. Everything God offers is mine. As generous as adoptive parents are, God is more generous in sharing what is important to God: my happiness, my peace, my well- being, my growth and becoming the person God desires of me, wills for me, and fosters in me!  No effort to make that my reality is too much for God and nothing is impossible for God. He never gives up.

Wow!  How lucky can I be!  How about you?

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