Monday, January 4, 2016

Transformed in Christ's Presence

We are celebrating the Epiphany of the Lord!  The three wise men followed a star, a Light, until they found  the child Jesus, the Word made Flesh, the King of all kings, the Savior of the world. At one point the star seemed to disappear, so they stopped in Jerusalem to inquire about the newborn King of the Jews. When  King Herod  heard of the Magi's visit, he was greatly troubled, as were the people of Jerusalem. King Herod inquired of them "where the Christ was to be  born: "In Bethlehem of Judea," they told him." Herod instructed the Magi to find Him and then let him know so that he, too, could go worship Him.

We know Herod's intentions. God knew Herod's intentions, as He always knows what motivates us in the choices, good or bad, that we make.  The Magi do not return to give Herod any information, as God directs them not to respond to Herod. They return home by another route.  When you and I encounter the Christ, we, too, if open to grace, are transformed, changed, converted.  We are not the same as prior  to the visit, the encounter!

In what way have you been changed by your reception of the Eucharist, by your reading of the Scriptures, by your interaction with a faith-filled individual?

Lord, open my mind, my heart, my will to You in whatever way You choose today!

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