Merry Christmas!
Earth has seen your faithfulness, O God, in the birth of our
Righteousness, O God, is Your gift to us through Your Son,
Jesus, born this day in Bethlehem!
Righteousness, O God, is Your
gift of love, mercy, and forgiveness poured out upon us through Your Son Jesus,
who set His glory aside to take on our humanity, died on the cross a torturous
death to save us from sin and rose triumphant over death four our sake.
Yes, Lord, today a light truly shines
upon us, for You are born to give us a rebirth into eternal life with you.
Counselor God, Wondrous God,
Prince of peace, Father of future ages, King of all nations, your reign will be
without end.
Heavenly angels, O God, announced your coming to the shepherds.
Really, really, may we through grace, make room for You in our
hearts and homes each day.
Interiorly purified and strengthened by Your Word each day, may
the radiance of Your glory shine through us by Love manifested in our deeds!
Sincerely, reverently, and humbly, may our souls be opened to Your
Loving embrace and merciful concern for the well-being of our mind, body and spirit!
Time and time again, Lord, You knock at the door of our hearts,
waiting for us to invite you in for a chat, for nourishment and peace the world
cannot give.
May we heed your knocking and share our secrets with you: our
worries, our concerns, our heartaches, our frustrations, our joys, our sorrows,
our dreams;
And may we never forget to say “Thank you” for your generosity
in sending us Your only Begotten Son to save us from sin and death, from
selfishness and fear, from all that would deter us from coming to you for help
as we face this world’s violence and emptiness of Satan’s deceptive ways.
So, Lord, we say “Thank You,” this Christmas and every day that
our Savior has come and we are now called Your holy people, Your redeemed, and
that we are no longer forsaken and left to battle Satan alone as he prowls the
world looking for someone to dev our (Compare Isaiah 62: 11-12)!
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