Friday, September 23, 2011

Practicing Lectio Divina

This afternoon, in preparation for Sunday’s liturgy, I met with some residents from St. Francis Residential community to engage in Lectio Divina.  In Lectio Divina I have participants read the given  Scripture three times, each time allowing the Spirit to touch their hearts more deeply and bring the passage to life.  After each reading participants share as the Spirit prompts them to share:  after the  first reading, what word or phrase touched them; second, the significance of that phrase; and, third, what changes in attitude/behavior might  the Spirit be calling them.   We do this with each of the Sunday readings.  What a powerful experience, as the Spirit makes connections between the three readings and draws each participant deeper and deeper into the faith context of the passage. The readings, so to speak, come alive, melting the hearts, transforming one’s thoughts, and enlightening the mind. 

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