In today's first reading from the second book of Samuel, 2 Sam 12: 1-7a, 10-17, God sends the prophet Nathan to confront David, who covered up his sin against Uriah, having taken his wife as his own and having relations with her leading to Bathsheba becoming pregnant. His initial lying led to the greater sin of arranging for Uriah's death. David thought that he would get away with his crimes against Uriah and his family, but did not. Neither will you and I get away with whatever wrongs we have committed. Being held accountable, hopefully, will happen for us here on earth and not wait until eternity.
Every night when we listen to the news we hear of cover-ups, denials and persons enabling others to get away with their crimes against humanity. And so much more of this kind of corruption occurs that is not part of the news. This behavior goes all the way back to the story in Genesis of Adam and Eve covering up their sinful behavior. "I hid from you," Adam tells God, "because I was naked." God held both Adam and Eve accountable for their sins and continues to all you and me to openness about our wrongdoings, as He did with David. David repented, modeling the importance of owning up to how we have harmed others.
Can God count on you and I to be a "Nathan," a woman/a man of integrity, a person who will stand up to truth and hold ourselves and others accountable? Or do we cower from those who threaten us and bully us to remain silent, either of our own sinfulness or that of others?
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