Friday, January 31, 2020

Honesty and Humility: Twin Sisters

In today's first reading, 2 Sam 11: 1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17, we are presented with the story of King David and his giving into the temptation of having a sexual relationship with Uriah's wife Bathsheba. We are presented with the lengths that he goes to cover up his sin when he finds out that Bathsheba conceived that night.  David arranges for Uriah to be  put in the front lines of a fierce battle and asked that he be abandoned there in the knowledge that he would not survive!  And he didn't!  David, we can say, arranged for Uriah's murder to cover up his sinful behavior with Uriah's wife.  His cover up is worse than the murder itself, I believe. 

This kind of behavior goes on to this very day in varying degrees.  In shame, it is not unusual for us to cover up our sins and to go to any length to do so!  It takes  lots of humility to be honest when we have done wrong.  But only honesty frees us. Lying ensnares us and drags us into a pit out of which it is difficult to climb. And again, honesty is the ladder that leads us out of whatever pit we have dug for ourselves.

Whose example helps you be honest with yourself and others?  To whom do you look for help?

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