Saturday, February 15, 2020

Making Poor Choices and Restoring Relationships

In today's first reading,1 Kings 12: 26-32; 13: 33-34, we encounter Jeroboam, who is fearful that the kingdom that he has been given will return to David's house and that, if the people go up to Jerusalem (David's kingdom), he will be killed. That fear drives him to erect false gods--two calves of gold-- in two locations: in Bethel and in Dan. He invited the people to worship these gods and consecrates anyone who wants to be a priest.  Not giving up his evil ways, the house of Jeroboam was "cut off and destroyed from the earth."

The consequences of our sins also include destruction of sorts and being cut off in some way. Our sinful ways may alienate us from those we love, causing intense pain to our spouses, our children, our parents and friends. Such may also cause us to lose our livelihood, as we may be fired from our jobs.  When we commit sin, we are the first ones to know because we feel the alienation within ourselves. We know when we do wrong and many times "beat" ourselves up for the wrong we have done.  Instead of shaming ourselves "to death" we need to acknowledge our wrongdoing, ask forgiveness of those hurt by the mistake we have made, make restitution and move forward with ways to restore our reputation, regain employment, if such is lost, and make good again.  God will not ever forsake us and awaits our return, as we learn from the parable of the Prodigal Son in the Gospels.

Lord, give us the grace to be honest about what we may have done wrong and the ways we may have caused alienation, unrest and disunity in our families, our community or our workplace.  I ask this in Jesus' name.

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