Tuesday, January 7, 2020

God Is Love: In God I Live and Move and Have my Being

In today's first reading, 1 John 4: 7-10, John reminds us to love one another, "because love is of God" and that "everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God. Whoever," he says, "is without love does not know God, for God is love."

Hear Jesus say to you, in prayer:

"(Insert your name),  love is your destiny.  In and through love, you are begotten of God, that is, you are  reborn in God, renewed by God's  love, purified by God's  love, made whole by  God's love. You live and move and have your being in God, that is you live in love and for love and through love!"

"(Insert your name),  you know me because of your love for others and for yourself. Those who know not love know not me or the Father or the Holy Spirit. Love is the gateway, the door, the foundation, the air your breathe in Christ Jesus, my Son and your Savior! I revealed My love for you and all in the world by sending My Son born of Mary.  He took on human nature so as to redeem you and all humankind from the snares which Satan set, the sinful lures that, if not crushed by the blood of my Son, would  have led to eternal death and permanent separation from Me for all my children. I'd have none of it and Satan knows it. His power my Son took from him when he offered His life to Me for you and all humankind on Calvary's hill. I rose my Son from the dead, destroying death, which sin is.  That is My love for you and all my children!"

Thank you, Lord, for your incredulous and unconditional love for each of your children. Thank you for your love for me shown to me by Jesus' life and death and resurrection--the gift of redemption. May I learn to love as Jesus and You and the Holy Spirit, Father God, taught me in the Scriptures, through others and through the events of my life!

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