Saturday, June 7, 2014

Follow Me!

In today’s first reading, Acts 28: 16-20, 30-31, we encounter Paul under house arrest for two years in Rome. He clearly presented His case and then makes the best of his situation.  “…with complete assurance and without hindrance he proclaimed the Kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ” to anyone who came to him during those two years.  In the Gospel, John 21:  20-25, Peter asks Jesus about “the disciple following whom Jesus loved”. Jesus response to Peter was: “What concern is it of yours? You follow me.” 
It is so easy to get entangled in another person’s life instead of following Jesus. As I was complaining to Jesus in prayer this morning about a situation not in my control, the Lord made it clear to me that another person’s life or circumstances are not to be my concern,  that I am to follow Him, put my own life in order and not order someone else’s. “I am your Lord and Master, your Direction, as I am for each person. Follow Me. Keep your focus on Me. Concern yourself, not about others. They belong to me. Unless you are a parent, you are not to be minding another person’s business. I do that. Your role is that of Mary’s at Cana; namely, be attentive to need, to embarrassment, to shame, that which is lacking. Alert me, not because I’m not aware but because you are not their Lord and God. It is not your job to interfere in the other person’s personal  life.” 
It is also easy to get bogged down with circumstances that are unpleasant and even unjust. Paul teaches us to make our point and then to focus on our mission, that of proclaiming the Kingdom of God by our lives—use words, if necessary,  St Francis of Assisi tells us—and teaching others about Jesus.

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