Friday, January 17, 2014

The Paralyzed Person and His Friends

In today’s Gospel, Mark 2: 1-2, four men carry their paralyzed friend to Jesus. Not able to get near the door, they devise a plan; namely,  to lower their friend through the roof.Their faith in Jesus’ ability to heal their friend never wavers. They do not flinch when they meet obstacles to their self-determined mission to get their friend to Jesus so that He can heal his paralysis and return to him his ability to walk.  
There are times in our lives that the healing power of Jesus becomes available to us through the faith of others. At other times, it is our faith that will be essential for other people to realize who Jesus is and to be healed by Him.

In today’s reading, who am I? the paralyzed man, or one of the persons who finds a way to get others to experience Jesus’ love, compassion and willingness to heal their infirmities, their paralysis of mind, body, spirit? Or am I the person who needs others to bring me to Jesus? Or,on the other hand, could I be one of the scribes who is biffed at what Jesus does and who challenges Jesus’ authority to forgive sins.
May I recognize who I am and bring that person to Jesus to be touched by God's mercy, love and compassion; for a deepening of my faith and a firmer trust in who Jesus can be for me in my infirmities, my weaknesses, and vulnerabilities!

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