Monday, January 13, 2014

"Repent and believe in the Gospel" (Mk 1:14)

“This is the time of fulfillment. The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the Gospel.” As I was at prayer this morning, I shared with the Lord how frustrated I was with myself, as I  had fallen into Satan’s trap of looking at the weaknesses of another. Luckily the person with whom I was about to unload my story challenged me,  stating her belief that everyone does the best he/she can do given the circumstances with which he/she is dealing.

I asked the Lord for His counsel and He reminded me that I was looking into a mirror. The weakness I was about to complain about in the other reflected that weakness in me.  The other was a mirror image of myself. The fact that I was perturbed by the other’s behavior indicated that that inclination existed within me as well.   Jesus “caught” me, just as He invited Simon and Andrew  (see today’s Gospel, Mark  1: 14-20) to “come after me; I will make you fishers of men [women].”

How important it is that  we allow Jesus to cast His net over us, pull us in and away from the net of the evil  into which Satan so insistently wants to lure us. Yes,  as stated in the opening lines of today’s Gospel, “this is the time of fulfillment. The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the Gospel.”

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