Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year


Some things to think about:

How will I nurture my faith and strengthen my ability to love sincerely in 2014?

Am I determined to find and give birth to Jesus  in all of the events of my life in 2014?

Paired with Jesus, do I believe that nothing is impossible  with God when I am faced with the challenge to become a better person in my marriage, in my relationships, in my community?

Planted and rooted in Christ Jesus, do I realize what that means for me in 2014?

Yielding to the will of God, am I ready to surrender my will to the will of God in all I desire in 2014? 


Necessarily saved by God’s love and mercy, do I realize the price Jesus paid for my ransom or do I take God’s sacrifice for granted?
Ever in need  God’s grace to do good, do I take the time to acknowledge my neediness and seek God’s help in my weakness?

Will I, in 2014, seek the Lord above all else or will I forget that I need God?


Yoked to sin and death prior to Jesus’ death and resurrection, how grateful am I for God’s mercy and how will I show that gratefulness in 2014?

Enveloped by God’s love, how will I pass that love on to others in 2014?

Am I determined, in 2014, to make Christ known by my willingness to acknowledge my faults, repent of them, ask forgiveness when I hurt another person, show my love in the little things that make life easier for those with whom I love, work and play?

Realizing that I pass through this life only once, what am I willing to do in 2014 that will make this world—the world of my family life, community life, parish life--a better place?



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