Thursday, May 23, 2019

God Purifies the Hearts of His Faithful Ones

In today's first reading, Acts 15: 7-21, St. Peter reminds us that "...God...knows the heart,....[and] by faith he purified their hearts [the hearts of the Gentiles]." 

God purifies our hearts, also, through faith! Faith is nurtured, if you will, in periods of difficulty, that is, in times when we may cry out and say things such as:  "Where are you, God? or I don't get it,  God.  I  seem to be doing everything right yet nothing happens that indicates that I have found favor with you or that you are with me. I do not feel you in prayer. The words of Scripture, the liturgy, the praying of the Divine Office leaves me dry and distracted. My heart is like a desert--dry, weary, lifeless with little or no flowers or little or no fruit, at least it seems that way! Everything seems to be going wrong in one way or another! I want to do so many things in your vineyard and my health does not permit! I want to be patient and impatience rears its head. And want to be humble and there is pride laughing at me. I want to surrender and my ego exerts its desire for control.  On and on, Lord! Forgive me for this state of affairs, Lord!

And God says: "My dear child, I am with you. I know your heart and I am purifying it, just as I purified hearts, as of old.  None of my children bask in triumphs of grace on a regular basis, though grace is always working quietly within you. There are also glimpses of my glory outside of yourself! Glimpses, my child. Glimpses only! Look at sunrises and sunsets! Look at newborns and little children. Listen to beautiful music and the wonders of  nature and of every season.  Reach out to others in need and accept help in your neediness, as well! You will find me in all of these places and others events, as well, as did Peter and the early Christians. And,  don't forget to look into your heart. I am there always quietly transforming and strengthening it in the trials you described above!"

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