Thursday, April 7, 2016

Unflinching faith of Peter and the Apostles

In today’s first reading, Acts 5: 27-33, the Apostles are brought before the Sanhedrin and are questioned by the high priest, accusing them of teaching in Jesus’ name when they have been ordered to stop doing so.  Peter and the Apostles are unafraid and firmly state that they must obey God, not human beings. Without flinching, Peter and the Apostles stand up to their accusers, to those who are likely to throw them into prison, flog them and even have them put to death.  The faith of Peter and the Apostles is unwavering. They keep their focus on the Lord Jesus, whom God has “exalted…at his right hand as leader and savior to grant Israel repentance and forgiveness of sins.” Peter and the Apostles will not stop giving witness to this truth and reminding the leaders of Israel, and us, that they “killed [Jesus] by hanging him on a tree.”

How strong is my faith/your faith?  When we are being confronted by unbelievers, by those who are bent on our destruction, our demise, on silencing us or tripping us up so as to condemn us or prove us wrong, do we stand up to them or back down and go along with the crowd? Do we back down from doing what is right out of fear of other people’s reactions?  Do we give into the temptation to please others when doing so is against God’s will for us?

Sin and its consequences—eternal death for unrepentant sinners and unbelievers—and God’s will that we all be saved from sin by the only One who can save us, God Incarnate, “killed [Jesus] by hanging him on a tree.” And, if necessary, the Incarnate God would do it again to save every single one of us. That is God’s love, God’s mercy and God’s compassion for each one of us. Yes, God loves us so much that He gave His only begotten Son, God Incarnate, to be sin for us and nail sin to the cross. 

I believe this. What is your belief?  I praise and thank God for this love, this mercy, this compassion. For what do you praise and thank God?

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