In today’s Gospel, John 15: 1-8,
Jesus reminds us that He is the true vine and that His Father (and ours) is the
vine grower. The Father “takes away
every branch in [Jesus] that does not bear fruit, and everyone that does …[the
Father] prunes so that it bears more fruit.”
Jesus also reminds us that we are “already pruned because of the word
that…[Jesus speaks to us].” Furthermore,
Jesus tells us clearly that “without [Him] we can do nothing” anymore than a
branch can bear fruit apart from the tree.
If you and I do not remain in Jesus, we “will be thrown out like a
branch and wither.” Finally, Jesus tells
us that if “we remain in Him and [His words] remain” in us, we “can ask for
whatever we want and it will be done” for us. By bearing a lot of fruit and
becoming Jesus’ disciples, the ”Father is glorified.”
In reflecting upon this passage,
we might internalize it as follows:
The Father is my grower. He “grows”
me, nurtures my growth, cultivates me, removes the weeds that impede my growth
or cause my decay via selfishness, deceitfulness, fear, hatred, jealousy, envy,
aggressive behaviors, stinginess, and
whatever blocks my will from being one with the will of the Father. As I
think of an infant growing into adulthood, everything is within its physical
body for it to become an adult man or woman and function well as such. In terms
of the spiritual being that I am as coming from the Father, I also have
everything within me—attached, of course, to the vine (to Jesus) and pruned by the
Father—to become the person God designed me to become spiritually. When I am
off track, so to speak, the Father prunes me and, when necessary, like the potter
on the potter’s wheel, begins the process all over again so that I turn out as
He desires.
Jesus pleads with us: “Remain in me, as I remain in you, says the
Lord; whoever remains in me will bear much fruit” (Jn 15: 4a, 5b).
In what ways are you remaining in Jesus? Does the "fruit" you bear each day give testimony that you are attached to the vine, attached to Jesus, your Savior, relying upon Him and the Spirit for the courage, the strength, the enlightenment you need to do what is right and just?
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