In the Entrance Antiphon for today’s liturgy of Thursday of
the Third Week of Easter, we pray: “Let
us sing to the Lord, for he has gloriously triumphed.” In the Collect, we ask the Lord to “let us feel…[His] compassion more readily
during these days when, by…[His] gift, we have known…[God’s compassion toward
us] more fully, so that those…[the Lord has] freed from the darkness of error may cling
more firmly to the teachings of [His] truth.”
How aware am I that God the Son, Jesus, has “gloriously
triumphed” in my life and will continue to triumph in my daily life, alerting
me to the good I am invited to do, opening my eyes to His Love at work in my
life and in the life of others around me as well as lifting me up from
hopelessness, fear, apathy, discouragement, sin itself, deceitful patterns and
so on, over and over and over again? Am
I aware that I have truly been “freed from the darkness or error” in my past
and that God will do so in my future? Believing in Christ Jesus and humbly
acknowledging my weaknesses and sinfulness, repenting of my sins in the
sacrament of confession and in communication with those against whom I have sinned
puts me on the path to eternal life! What a gift and what a challenge in living
this truth day by day, clinging “more
firmly to the teaching of [His] truth” every day!
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