Monday, May 18, 2015

Conquerers of this World with, in and for Christ

“In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world,”   Jesus says to His disciples before going to Gethsemane to face His betrayer and to us in today’s Gospel, John 16: 29-33.  The trouble we now face in the 21st century is mind bottling.  Last night at one of the parishes in the area, we listened to a young woman who escaped  human traffickers, recovered from alcohol and drug addiction (used to numb her pain), has now earned a college degree in nursing and has turned her life over to Christ.  She shares her story in the hope that she will alert parents, grandparents and all adults of the dangers children, teens and young people face in the world of today, a dangerous world.  Children, teens and young people are stalked daily by recruiters of the sex industry, a lucrative business earning $32 billion a year. Recruiters of this industry hang around schools, shopping centers, places like Starbucks, looking for at-risk youth,teens and kids with low self-esteem who are easy targets of charmers!  Children and teens using certain online websites are only a click away from pimps seeking a victim  or from those working for the sex trade.
We may wonder why Jesus, in the Garden of Olives, sweat beads of blood? Or we may even wonder why Jesus suffered such excruciating torture to save us from the Evil One  when "He was made sin for us" to redeem us from sin; yes, in this case,  from the sin of human trafficking.  

"In the world you will have trouble…” This kind of trouble, Lord? When will we, in your name, Lord, conquer this world of human trafficking?  Please help us bring this issue to the awareness of your flock, to the awareness of persons who take seriously their responsibilities as your disciples to be a Good Samaritan to persons who become victims of human traffickers, are isolated from family and true friends, are told that harm will come to their families if they do not cooperate with their "owners", and  are beaten if they do not reach their quota. Lord, have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord, have mercy! Show us the way to rid the world of this scourge, of this abuse of power, of this horrible
sin against humanity!

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