Friday, April 26, 2013

The Power of Faith in Action

"We are now his witnesses before the people" (Acts 13: 26-33). This is a statement from persons who have suffered much for the sake of Jesus' name.  How is it that these persons are able to make good come out of a situation that plunged them into darkness, that was filled with grief and sorrow, hopelessness and fear?  The obvious answer is their faith in Christ Jesus, their "hanging on" to His every word.  The Scriptures were not simply a book that decorated a shelf in their home. No, it was a Living Word.

I am reading the book "Led by Faith: Rising from the Ashes of the Rwanda Genocide" by Immaculee` Ilibagiza.   In moments of impending danger or personal despair, Immaculee` calls upon God. For instance, when evil men duped her into a situation that could have led to rape, she prayed: "Please send Your angels to help me, God! I swear that I'll help other women avoid these situations, but don't let them touch me, Lord, please" (p. 117).  From the window of that hotel room (another man blocked the exit door), she prayed: "What beauty You have created, Lord. You truly can do anything...please make these men look beyond themselves, beyond their own lust and contempt. Make them see the beauty in all You have created.  And if they refuse to see, then give me the strength to fight them in Your name. I am Your daughter. I know You will protect me"  (p. 117).    She tries to distract the man who wants her to get in bed with him.  He says to her:  "I'm not  interested in God or Rwanda, Immaculee` I'm interested in you. I could take you now if I wanted, but I'm trying to be a nice guy.  I can be generous, very generous. I am a good-looking man, and I am very rich.  I will make you rich, too; all you have to do is say yes. Now decide."  The Lord answered Immaculee`'s prayer by giving her the courage to fight them.  She firmly and resolutely said "No."  The man was furious, picked up his jacket and left the hotel room!

Immaculee` reports other examples of her faith in God and the incredible results of believing in God's power to save her from evil as well as to meet her every need as she strove to rise above the ashes of the Rwanda Genocide.  Like the early disciples, she truly witnessed to the power of Christ's resurrection at work in her and around her.

The miracles that the first disciples witnessed and those that Immaculee` experienced can and do occur in the life of believers today!  How strong is my faith? How real is the Scriptures in my life or is the Bible simply a book decorating a shelf in my home?

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