Friday, April 12, 2013

God's Power and God's Design: Essential Elements of Reality

Today's Scripture readings, Acts 5:39 and Jn 6: 1-15, remind us of two very important spiritual realities: one, that anything that is of divine origin will persist, thrive and bear fruit that will last into eternity; that whatever is of human origin will destroy itself.  If I live with that truth in mind, would I not be less worried  about situations that I would otherwise fret about?  Would I not function differently, be less angry, less frustrated, less belligerent , less resistive if I were convinced that what I am, or others are called to bring into existence, will in fact happen only if of divine origin, and not come to pass if merely of human origin? Think about it!  Is God not in charge of our lives and of our accomplishments to do good and avoid evil?

In today's Gospel Jesus uses two fish and five loaves of bread to feed 5000 people, reminding us by His actions that whatever little we have the Lord can and does use to bring about a good, if I rely upon Him.  Nothing I, or another offers or has  is too small for His work in this world. If I believe in Jesus' power to take the little I or another has--be it education, natural gifts and talents, creative energies, faith, trust, love, wisdom--would I be saying: "I can't do that, Lord! I'm insignificant, powerless, helpless. I don't have the educational background, the talent, the energy to do that. I am not the right person for that task."  Would I be saying the same thing about another person whom God may be calling to do something that I believe he/she is not capable of doing? Or, in faith, would I believe that "nothing is impossible for God" and that, if it is of God the good desired will be realized through anyone God chooses, including me and you!

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