Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Wheat and the Weeds

Today’s Gospel relates a parable of the Kingdom of Heaven being likened to a  farmer planting wheat in his field while  an enemy, at night,  strew  weeds among the wheat(Mt 13: 24-30).  When you and I were conceived, God planted a seed, us! Each of us is a word of the Word, containing the potential to reach the greatness of being totally transformed into the image of God that we are.  In the Garden of Paradise Satan planted seeds of disobedience and distrust of God—sin now exists in each one of us alongside holiness.  At every moment of every day we are faced with the choice of choosing that which radiates the face of God, reflects the image of God or that which is in opposition to God, that is, the will of our egos which want to be their own god, be in control, and dictate how to live in this world as gods.  The ego distrusts anything but itself, obeys no one but itself, chooses only itself. That is its nature.

The seed of God’s will, God’s power, God’s creativity, God’s goodness, God’s grace within us is always juxtaposed to Satan’s will that we be our own god, that we push God out of sight, that we deny God, as Peter had done and seek to be on the throne, as James and John did when requesting to be at Jesus’ right and left in the Kingdom.

The choice is mine: do I  give nourishment to the seed of grace, the seed of holiness, the seed of humility, the seed of obedience, the seed of love, the seed of reconciliation even unto death or do I feed the ego and sin in me: putting others down and myself up, evading  and hiding truth from myself and others, ignoring or oppressing the poor as the rich man ignored Lazarus at his gate,  placing heavy burdens upon others as the Pharisees had done with no intention of lightening the burdens  I impose, etc.?

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