Sunday, January 15, 2012

"Who are you looking for?"

In today’s Gospel, John 1: 35-42,  John  points out Jesus to his disciples. Two of them left John and began to follow Jesus. He noticed that they were following and turned and asked them for what they were looking. In reply they asked Jesus where He stayed and Jesus said to them: “Come and see.”  So they went with Jesus and saw where He was staying and remained with Him the rest of the day.   Andrew, who was one of those disciples went to find his brother Simon Peter and told him that they had found the Messiah and brought Simon Peter to meet Christ.  Jesus looked at him and said: “You are Simon the son of John; you will be called Cephas…” 
As I reflect upon this Gospel, I ask myself: when another points out Jesus to me, am I willing to follow Him?  Or am I too busy, too distracted, uninterested?  Obviously, as Christians we are followers of Jesus and He asks us the same question He asked John’s disciples who were following Him from a distance: What are you looking for? That is a very important question.  Would our answer be: Jesus, where are you staying? Am I interested in getting closer to Jesus or do I want to remain distant from Him?
Another significant piece of this Gospel is that Andrew, realizing that he found the Messiah, his Savior and the Savior of the world, goes to his brother and shares the Good News.  When I have encountered the Lord in the Scriptures, in the circumstances of my life, when I realize that my Savior has touched my life, with  whom do I share the good news or is there anyone I invite to meet the Lord?

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