Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Being awakened

Today's first reading is about St. Paul being thrown "off his horse"  awakened to how he was hurting the Lord. I had a similar experience that has brought me to my knees. In prayer this morning I talked with the Lord about it. Our conversation follows:

“Lord, I was merrily walking along

when suddenly a huge “boulder” landed in front of me.

I looked at it—

‘Can’t walk around it,’ I said,

It’s size blocks any outlet, so it seems, Lord.

“So I come to You, Lord, in my distress.

The stone that sealed You in the tomb

Was removed for you by the power of God’s Spirit.

That same Spirit, I believe, Lord,  will remove this boulder.”

“Have no fear, Dorothy Ann,

You are a resurrection child,

A child of God,

A sister of Christ.

I, your God, am at your side.”

And I said to the Lord: 

“Obstacles are not obstacles to You, Lord!

Setbacks do not disturb You.

Darkness is not darkness to you

And chaos stirs You to action.

Out of mud, and this is muddy, Lord, you created an intelligent, loving human being

Who tilled the earth and became your co-creator.

“So, too, Lord, in my present situation,

You will bring order into the chaos,

Turn the darkness into light,

Remove the  boulders and open the way to move this ministry forward.

Something alive, inspired, creative, co-partnering will emerge from ‘the mud’.”

“Have no fear, Dorothy Ann, I do all things well!”

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