In today's first reading, Gen 2: 7-9,; 3: 1-7. we reread the story of Adam and Eve being told by the Lord that they could eat the fruit of all of the trees in Paradise except the one in the middle of the garden, which was "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." They weren't even to touch it, "lest you die!" Along comes Satan hidden in the snake. He tempts Eve, asking her: "Did God really tell you not to eat from any of the trees in the garden?" Eve repeats God's instructions and Satan replies: "You certainly certainly will not die! No, God knows well that the moment you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods who know what is good and what is evil."
What a temptation! To be like gods and to know good from evil! Who does not want to be godlike and to discern good from evil. Anyone would want that! and what is wrong with that desire! So, sure enough, Eve falls for Satan's lies and invites her husband to also give in to the temptation! Consequently, both feel naked, ashamed of having disobeyed God's directions! Both hide from God as He comes to looking for them. "Adam/Eve, where are you? And Adam steps up and takes responsibility this time and says: "I was hiding!" God says to him: "You must have eaten of the fruit that I forbade you to eat!"
Temptation always involves a temptation to something that looks good, feels good, is "advertised" as something we must have because it will make us happy, increase our security, render us mature! We'd have no problem staying away from something that is evil, unpleasant, dangerous. But, good? Pleasant? Pleasing to the eye and to the taste; something that will enhance our well-being, decrease our gloominess, fill our emptiness! We are right there, chopping at the bit to participate in such a "good"!
Satan even tempts Jesus, as we are told in today's Gospel: Mt 4: 1-11. "You'll never go hungry, Jesus, if you turn these stones into bread! You won't hurt yourself if you throw yourself off this building; you are the Son of God. Come on, use your power to your advantage! And, if you worship me, I will give you all of the kingdoms of the world. What more could you want, Jesus? Satan seems to ask! And Jesus replies: One does not live by bread alone, is not to test the Lord, his God, and is to worship only God, nothing or no one else! Get away, Satan!"
Lord, please help us recognize Satan's cunning lies and resist his temptations to abuse power, to live on bread alone, to worship him, and to want more and more and more of this world's "kingdoms" when I already have all I need!s
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