In today’s Gospel, Luke 19: 41-44, we are told that, as “Jesus drew near Jerusalem, he saw the city
and wept over it, saying, ‘If this day you only knew what makes for peace—but now
it is hidden from your eyes. For the
days are coming upon you when your enemies… will encircle you and hem you in on
all sides. They will smash you to the ground…and they will not leave one stone
upon another within you because you did not recognize the time of your
visitation.’” Jesus is forewarning
them of dangerous times approaching the area.
The world, today, is a dangerous place for many, if not all.
Violence has erupted in most, if not all, parts of our world. The times we live
in are filled with danger. Yes, we are capable of siding with evil forces. Do we, I wonder, recognize “the time of [our]
visitation,” the time of grace and holiness, the time of our salvation.
Jesus left the glory of heaven and came upon this earth to
become one with us and to live among us. He Himself knew dangerous times, fell
into the arms of evil forces and was put to death. Enemies encircled him, hemmed Him in on all sides, arresting Him
in the Garden of Gethsemane, where He was betrayed by one of his apostles, a
man who followed Him closely during His three years’ of ministry. Yes, an
insider betrayed Him, “encircled” Him.
Am I that insider? Am I one who betrays truth and justice,
kindness and love? Am I one who jeopardizes that which is right and good and
holy? Am I one who is blind to the presence of the Lord in our midst? Am I one
who turns to forces of evil, running with the crowd even when that crowd is
siding with the Father of Lies?
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