Friday, November 4, 2016

From Lowliness to Glorification

In today’s first reading, Phil 3: 17-4:1, St. Paul reminds us that Jesus  “will change our lowly body to conform with his glorified Body by the power that enables him also to bring all things into subjection to himself.”   This lowly body of mine, and yours as well, will be glorified, that is exalted, deified, elevated!  We have all been made in God’s image and that image will shine forth in a way that will reveal Christ in us!  Our glorified bodies will shine like the stars in the sky, brilliant like our Savior’s!  Sin will no longer have any power over us! The veil will be removed that now hides our true self created in the image and likeness of our God. 

What if we remembered that every day as we walk through this valley of tears, as we Catholics pray in the “Hail, Holy Queen.”  Our hope would soar! Nothing would bring us down or lower our spirits! It is mind-bottling, also, to realize that Jesus, at every moment, is bringing “all things into subjection to himself.” He is doing that now. Everything, in my life and yours, Jesus uses to transform us into Himself, to purify us, to make us holy, to exalt us as THE redeemed!

Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of redemption! Thank you, Jesus, for sending us the Holy Spirit to bring us to the Truth, to open our minds and hearts to know you, the one true God! May every  breath I take give you thanks. May every step I take praise you!

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