In today’s first reading, Galatians 5: 18-25, Paul presents a clear picture of the two laws
operative within human nature: the law of the flesh and the law of the spirit.
They are easily recognizable by the works which flow from them. If I am
operating from the flesh, I will be
involved in immoral acts, acts of impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery,
hatred, rivalry, jealousy, outbursts of anger, acts of selfishness. In that case, I will also be planting seeds of divisiveness, creating
factions, being envious, engaging in orgies and acts of drunkenness, Paul tells
me. On the other hand, when I am functioning
under the guidance of the Spirit, the works that follow will yield the fruits
of “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness,
and self-control”.
Like Paul, (cf Rom 7: 14-25), each of us encounters within us that which is “unspiritual,” things of the flesh. There are times when we do not “understand”
our “own behavior,” when we “fail to carry out the things” we “want to do,” that
is, things under the guidance of the Spirit, and find ourselves “doing the very
things” we hate, behaviors prompted by the law of the flesh. “When,” in the words of Romans 7: 16, “…[we]
act against …[our] own will, [against the law of the Spirit, then,] the thing behaving that way is not …[our true]
self but sin living…[in] us….Who will rescue…[us from our false self] doomed to
death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!”
If we remain in Jesus, our Lord, the true vine, Jesus tells
us in John 15:1-7, we will bear “fruit
in plenty; …(Jn 15: 5). “Every branch in…[Jesus]
that bears no fruit …[the Father] cuts away and every branch that does bear fruit…he
prunes to make it bear even more. You are pruned already, by means of the word
that I [the Lord] have spoken to you….”
Oh, the wonders of our salvation in Christ Jesus, the Lamb
of God who takes away the sins of the world.
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