Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Living by Faith Working through Love

In the first reading of today's liturgy, Galatians 5: 1-6,  the people are concerned about the circumcised and the uncircumcised.  Those who have put their faith in the act of circumcision, on keeping a man-made law, who become slaves to laws, have no need of Christ, Paul proclaims. Their faith is misplaced.  In Paul's own words:   "...every man who has himself circumcised...is bound to observe the entire law. You," he says to such persons, "are separated from Christ, you who are trying to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace."  I then asked myself whether or not I, too,  do not put forth efforts to justify myself by how well or poorly I have kept a certain law, whatever it may be. According to this Scripture reading, whenever I rely upon myself to keep any law, I am bound to fail, to fall short of the mark I have set for myself apart from faith in Christ Jesus. Yes, I have then "fallen from grace." As I sat in the stillness of prayer, the Lord then reminded through the spirit speaking within me:

"I, Jesus, am always working through the events of your life. Do you believe that, Dorothy Ann? God is love, a love revealed in what is happening in and around those who live by faith in Me. Remember that I hover over the chaos you encounter, or become aware of, as much now as I did at the beginning of creation. I see the void and know what to do. I am God. There is no other.

"Be still, especially in chaos, and know that I am God. Act in faith, in love, in quiet trust of my power to bring life out of death, light into darkness, and to right that which is wrong.  I am God. There is no other.  Live by faith in Me, not faith in your ability to keep a law. I am not a law. I am a person, the second Person of the Godhead, the Trinity, at work in the world, making all things new. Do you believe that, Dorothy Ann? If you do, you will remain calm and discover your strength to cooperate with Me, your God, your All, your salvation.

"Follow Me as I followed the will of My Father in bringing about the salvation of the world by My obedience to His will."

"Keep your focus on Me, not on yourself and your desire to prove your ability to obey a certain rule. With your focus on Me, you will discover My power of love at work in you and around you. Trust me! Yes, be still and know that I am God.The choices you, then, make will flow from my Love." 

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