Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Promised Land of Grace

In today’s first reading, Dt. 31: 1-8, Moses tells the people that he will not be crossing the Jordan with them but that the Lord Himself “will cross before you” and that He “marches with you.” Moses also reminds them that the Lord will destroy “these nations before you, that you may supplant them.” How does this passage apply to you and me? Today, as we move into the “Promised Land” of our lives, God also marches with us. In fact, He crosses “the Jordan,” before us, removing the obstacles that we will meet today. He will destroy “the nations” that threaten to block us from knowing God today: our fears, our distrusting spirits, our weakened faith, our pride and self-centered or narcissistic desires. As we journey to the “Promised Land” of grace, we will be accompanied by the Spirit of God who also dwells within us. God’s Spirit girds us with the faith, the obedience, the humility, the meekness and the patience of the Son; empowers us to trust the Father, and strengthens us with the Spirit’s courage. In other words, just as the Son destroyed Satan’s power on the Cross, so, too, the Son destroys “the nations” that threaten our entrance into the Promised Land of the Holy Spirit’s domain today. Satan will not succeed over the long haul!

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