Holy Saturday: a day that seems empty! A desert! A wilderness!
"What now," we ask!
Our Master has been slaughtered!
He opened not His mouth!
He offered no resistance!
He did not walk away as He had done other times when the crowd tried to kill Him!
Why not this time?
Why did He surrender?
What was he submissive?
No anger!
No wrath!
No shouting!
No condemnation of their murderous behavior, their killing of an innocent man!
Mary, Your mother, and a few other women, as well as Your beloved disciple John, follow You to Calvary. All Your other disciples fled out of terror of what was happening to You and could happen to them! Matthew, wearing only a loose cloth wrapped around himself and grabbed by one of the Romans, fled naked! Judas, thinking his sin was unpardonable, went out and killed himself. A murderous crowd sneered at You on the cross, taunted You and shouted: "If you are the Son of God come down from that cross! Then we will believe." And a few loyal disciples with Mary, Your Mother, stood beneath the cross in awe as You surrendered Your life to Your Father and prayed for your executioners and us!
And now, Holy Saturday, You are gone, out of sight!
O God, have mercy!
Christ, have mercy!
Lord, have mercy!
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