Monday, November 2, 2020

All Souls' Day: May our Deceased Loved One Rest in Peace!

Today we celebrate the Feast of All Souls and, rightly so, today's first reading, Wisdom 3: 1-9, speaks about our deceased loved ones.  The author of Wisdom reminds us that they "are in the hand of God, and no torment shall touch them."  What consolation for all of us left behind! Whatever hardships they endured here on earth, they are now enjoying the peace of the Lord in the land of peace, heaven itself. And we are grateful to the Lord for that!

 We may think of "their passing away [as] an affliction and their going forth from us, utter destruction. But they are in peace." They left us with a heart of "hope full of immortality."    I think of my mother who suffered from years of cancer.  Her leaving young children without a mother certainly seemed like "utter destruction,"  a harsh, cruel fate for a wonderful woman! But cancer or disease of any kind has no feelings, just a way to strangle life out of its victims!  Any kind of death may seem cruel for those left behind but it certainly brings relief to those ravaged by a painful illness.  I pray that God's mercy, love and strength take possession, though,  of each member of a family suffering the loss of a loved one!

The author of Wisdom goes on to say that our loved ones may have seemed to have been "chastised a little,"  but are now,  "greatly blessed, because God tried them and found them worthy of himself."  I thank God for His generous blessings pour out upon our loved ones who, truly, have been "found worthy of himself."  May they rest in peace!

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