Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter!

Halleluia!  Christ is risen!

Alleluia! Jesus has triumphed over sin and death! and so shall we!

Powerfully, an earthquake shook the earth when an angel descended and rolled back the stone and sat upon it and announced Christ's resurrection!

Powerfully, Jesus was raised from the dead! We, too, shall rise from that in us that is dead and, at the end of our lives, enter eternal life with Jesus!

Yesterday, Holy Saturday, was a sad day as our Tabernacles were empty as we contemplated Jesus' death on Good Friday when Jesus was crucified. Today, He is alive as the Risen Christ. Death has no power over Him.

Eternal life, for those who believe in Him, was secured by Jesus' life, death and resurrection!

Alas, the tomb is empty. Jesus has risen as He said!

Sadness has vanished. Our Savior is risen and goes before us day after day, preparing the way for us to experience His resurrection in our lives!

Today, may we seek the Lord in the persons we encounter and in the events of this day where the Risen Christ resides!

Even though we are unable to be with loved ones because of the coronavirus, let us rejoice that the Risen Christ is with them and us. God is at work in this trying time and will bring us new life through what we suffer now.

Risen and alive is the Lord. Announce the Good News by your life!

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