Friday, December 27, 2019

Loving God and Letting God Love Us

As I was reflecting on the creche, I thought of God, the Creator of the universe, being "confined" to the body of an infant.  Such thoughts came out of being confined for several days because of a minor contagious illness. However, I also thought of those confined to a prison cell for years, even for life, for a crime they committed.  Regarding God "being confined to a body of an infant", the Lord responded to me in prayer, as follows:  I hid myself in an infant's  body to communicate God's approach-ability, God's tenderness, God's love.  Come to me, Dorothy Ann (insert your name);  do not be afraid.  I love you.  I want you to hold Me, your God.  Hold Me as I hold you in love, in compassion, in mercy.  Let us cuddle. I know!  Cuddling with God seems ludicrous to you but not to me.  As Your Good Shepherd, I seek you always when you go astray; I find you and bring you back to the fold, holding you, cuddling you, and triumphantly happy in holding you against my chest. Recall John, who laid his head on my chest. I cherished that touch and I cherish yours, especially when you touch Me by touching others in genuine love!

May you and I grow in our love of God, in knowing God's approach-ability and His desire to show us His love, to feel His love, to cherish His love and return it to Him personally and through our love for ourselves and others.

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