Today, in the Catholic Church, we celebrate the feast of Holy Innocents, those children slaughtered by Herod after he heard about the Messiah being born in Bethlehem and whose kingdom would last forever. He perceived his kingdom and his power at risk and would have none of it!
Of whom am I, are you, jealous? By whose power, real or imagined, do I, do you, feel threatened? Is there anyone who you are degrading verbally, putting down by demeaning images and, if so, why? How is that person a threat to you, even if an unconscious threat? Instead of attacking another, what if you and I sent person/s a blessing, prayed for them and turned them, and ourselves, over to a merciful God for the graces he or she needs and that we need as well? What if you and I did not join those who pour out the poisonous venom of hatred, bigotry, misogyny, prejudice and other divisive stances and, instead, spread love, mercy, compassion and forgiveness as Jesus did? Or are we not serious about our faith in the Lord? Are we, in truth, making the world a better place because of who we are and what we stand for? Or do we simply become part of the crowd of cynical, hate-filled mongrels afraid to look oneself honestly in the mirror and examine what attitudes have poisoned our minds?
Obviously, Herod did not face the truth about himself and simply went on a killing spree, totally out of control of the negativity, the jealousy, the selfishness and sinfulness within him. We, too, can be a "Herod" in today's world by our words, our actions, our silence. We can choose to teach others the dynamics of hatred, jealousy, envy, lust for power and control and other sinful attitudes. We can encourage others to seek superiority over others and express that delusional superiority in words and actions that put others down. On the other hand, we can choose to be a "Joseph", a "Mary", listening to God's call to be men and women of integrity who protect children from venomous environments and take them away from places of danger--physical or non-physical. Yes, we can be teachers of Gospel values or the values taught in any other religion--values of integrity, truth, love in both word and action.
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