Thursday, December 26, 2019

A Light Shines in the Darkness of our World

"What came to be through him [Jesus] was life, and this life was the light of the human race; the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it"  (John 1: 3). For more than 2000 years the light of Christ has not been dimmed but continues to shine brightly in the hearts of all who believe and are saved from the Evil One, the author of all sin that darkens the heart and the mind of sinners deceived by Satan, are unrepentant and do not acknowledge their sinfulness, however great or small ones sins may be!

Lord, come and enter into the dark areas of my mind, and soul and heart. May I turn to you, my Savior and my God.  I ask, Lord, God, that You turn the mind, the hearts and the souls of all men and women to Your Light.  In particular, may the Light of Christ penetrate the darkness of those who cling to deception, who vehemently and violently deny truth, and spread darkness by the corruption of their lives and the lives of those who defend them.  I ask this in Jesus' name!

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