Today’s Scripture readings, Numbers 12: 1-13 and Mt. 14: 22-36, give us lots upon
which to reflect. In the first reading
we read about Miriam and Aaron complaining about their brother Moses and
expressing their jealousy, God confronting them and then punishing them for
their sinfulness, and Aaron and Moses begging for God’s mercy toward Miriam,
who was struck with leprosy for her part in the sinful behaviors.
In the Gospel, we are presented with the
disciple’s “losing it,” when they see Jesus walking on the turbulent waters,
believing He is a ghost, while Peter challenges Jesus to bid him come to him,
if it is really He. Peter starts out bravely, then as he encounters the strong
winds, gets scared and begins to sink. Jesus reaches out his hand and saves
him. Jesus rebukes the disciples, saying
to them: “Get hold of yourselves” and says to Peter, as he is sinking, “How little
faith you have!...Why did you falter?”
You and I are each of the characters in today's readings: at times, Miriam and Aaron complaining about and
jealous of others; Moses and Aaron begging for mercy; the disciples losing their cool, becoming frantic, anxious,
believing in “ghosts” when Jesus is actually present in the disguise they
misnamed; Peter, boldly setting out at God’s invitation to take the risk and
then losing faith when he encountered difficulties.
Lord, over and over again, I find myself complaining about something as were Aaron and Miriam. Over and over again I find myself in turbulent waters caused by the "storms" I encounter and you bid me to come to You, to believe in You walking those
same waters with me, there to save me when I sink. Over and over again You say to me, as You
said to the disciples in the boat, “Get hold of yourself. It is I. Do not be
afraid.” Strengthen me when my
faith is weak. Calm me when I am losing it. Encourage me when I am faltering.
Save me when I am sinking. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
This is my experience. What is yours? This is my prayer, what is yours?
We need these reminders and reflections. Thank you, Sr. Dorothy.