Saturday, July 4, 2015

God at work in an imperfect world

In today's first reading--the story of how Jacob stole the blessing that was intended for his brother Esau.  His own mother Rebekah assisted him in deceiving his father.  How often does our salvation history take turns that we do not understand. "How could God allow that to happen?" we ask.  Or we say: "That was not fair. I am not staying in this situation.  It's deceptive. It's scandalous. It is not right." If Jesus had used those exuses, He would have abandoned His Father's plan of salvation. "A Messiah who would ascend the throne of the cross, not a throne of glory here on earth? He might have asked His Father.  "Salvation," by way of ridicule, rejection?"   "A mission that encounters a lack of faith in my own home town?"

Jesus was given authority to transplant the Old Covenant with a New Covenant. God the Father did not promise that on the way to making something New that Jesus would not encounter deception, self-willed individuals who would do it their way or insist that God's way was wrong in their opinion. Jesus understood that justice, mercy, and love would prevail. So, too, in our lives. Justice, love and mercy will triumph. Darkness will be turned into light. Deceptive ways will yield to truth. Hatred will  be overcome by love. "See I make all things new," says the Lord through the prophet Isaiah (Is 43: 1-20).

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