Tuesday, March 4, 2014

God's Ways

In today’s Gospel,  Mark 10: 28-31, Peter wants to know what’s in it for him.  He says to Jesus “We have given up everything and followed you.”  Jesus reminds him that he will get his reward and with it “persecutions.”  None of us wants to be reminded that our journey with the Lord includes going to Calvary with Him, that we will encounter difficulties, that some days will be more challenging than others. We will, at times, be traveling rough roads. At other times roads that are smooth sailing and, even then, may encounter a “storm”.  Jesus also reminds Peter that the first will be last and the last first. Following Jesus is not about accumulating accolades, getting “A’s,”  being applauded for our work.  Am I willing to give up working for the “super-bowl ring,” or the million dollar jackpot? Am I willing to answer Jesus’ call to sacrifice for the sake of the Kingdom, to reach out to “lepers,” the poor, the outcast, to bring sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf, to right the wrong of unjust practices without being recognized for my work?  Am I willing to seek out those who are lost, to free others whom I have cast into the darkness of discrimination, prejudice and unforgiveness? Am I willing to free myself from my fallen nature  and let Jesus take me into Himself to be one with God and others, where there are no favorites, where competition does not exist and all are one?

1 comment:

  1. How culturally relevant....the super bowl ring. That's a good mini bowl question. Very High School appropriate...maybe you can use it in a high school retreat.
