Monday, March 3, 2014

A Fist Full of Dandelions

In the Gospel of today, the rich man wants to know what he needs to do to inherit eternal life.  He’s kept all of the commandments but is there more he needs to do, he wonders.  Jesus, “looking at him, loved him and said to him, ‘Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; then, come, follow me.’”
 Ever find yourself saddened, depressed, sluggish, feeling that something is missing, something is holding you back from experiencing life to the full, of being the person you want to be, of contributing in a way that makes a difference?  Imagine Jesus approaching you, looking upon you with love, and saying to you:  “Surrender totally to Me, (your name)______. Let go of needing to be perfect and accept the best that you are capable of giving me at any time.  Doing that, you will not hold back but will give generously, graciously, gratefully and joyously, like the little child that comes running in with a fist full of dandelions. That little child is giving all. You, too, are giving all even when the gift is, from your perspective, a “dandelion” and not a “rose.”  You problem is not the “dandelion” contribution but your unmet expectation. You always want the “dandelion” to be a “rose.” What is missing is your faith in my ability to transform your-less-than-perfect gift into a gift that does make a difference, to transform your “dandelions” into “roses.”

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