Saturday, September 28, 2013

God: the glory in our midst restoring dashed hopes

In today's first reading, Zachariah 2: 5-9, 14-15, Zachariah is communicating a message of hope to a remnant of Israelites who return to Jerusalem from forty years of exile in Babylon.  They are devastating. Jerusalem lies in ruins.  The beautiful Temple built by Solomon is no more. In the midst of this devastation, angels appeal to Zachariah with the message: "People will live in Jerusalem as in an open country because of a multitude of people ...[and of herds of cattle and other animals] in her midst.  But I [the Lord] will be for her an encircling wall of fire, says the Lord, and I will  be the glory in her midst."

Hear the Lord saying that to us as we face the devastating effects of hurricanes, fires, floods,  tornadoes, tsunamis, wars, domestic violence; violence in our streets, schools, shopping malls, theaters; political wranglings and "wars" to maintain power over the other party.   In the rash of disasters, family members may be lost.  And, out of nowhere, an "angel" appears with a message of hope, reminding you that lost properties can be rebuilt, that life will get better, that there is work to be done and that you are all capable of doing that work.  Or, you yourself are the angel sent to areas of devastation to brighten their lives, bring hope, assist in the recovery efforts.  Yes, you yourself, God chooses to "be the glory in her midst." 

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