Monday, November 21, 2011

Giving our all in obedience to God's laws

Today's Gospel,  Luke 21: 1-4, is the story of the woman who puts two small coins in the treasury. Jesus notices her generosity--she's give of her livelihood, everything she possesses.  In the first reading , Dan 1: 1-6, 8-20, Daniel, in order to remain true to the Mosaic dietary laws, requests that he and his companions be served a vegetarian diet. The chief chamberlain is terrified that if he says "yes" that he may be put to death by the King if Daniel and his companions do not measure up to the same physical robustness as other servants but goes along with Daniel's request for a trial period.  Daniel and his companions thrive physically and are found to excel, as well, in wisdom and prudence.  The woman, Daniel and his companions and Mary in the Presentation in the Temple, which feast we celebrate today,  give God their all. Their poverty is their wealth. God sees the heart. God notices the generosity of those who are obedient to His Father. It is God's noticing and it's our obedience to our God that transforms the little we have into wealth beyond measure.

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