Sunday, February 7, 2021

Jesus' Example of Coping with Life's Difficult Moments

 In today's first reading, Job 7: 1-4, 6-7, e encounter a depressed Job.  All of the tragic episodes in his life got to him. That is not uncommon.  Life can be overwhelming at times! Job lashed out at God! that, too, can happen! I remember during a very difficult time in my life when I thought God was going to wipe out my family--I was, obviously in acute grief. After expressing my anger at God, I felt terrified--would God strike me dead, I wondered! In prayer, I  heard God say to me in my thoughts: "Your anger is not a problem for me. You are the one troubled by  your anger. Not me!"  I have learned since then that it is important to be honest with God. Another time, when I was hiding my emotions from God in prayer, I heard in my thoughts: "Be honest with me. I know what you are feeling. Don't hide them from me." 

God transcends our anger and understands the circumstances that lead us into anger and/or depression. He meets us in those pits of negative emotions and brings us to the surface, as He did with Job.  Through Christ Jesus, God brings us to a place where we can, with the psalmist, pray:  "Praise the Lord, for he is good; sing praise to our God, for he is gracious; it is fitting to praise him" (Today's responsorial psalm, Psalm 147). And God will give us as much time as we need to get to that point, to climb out of the pit into which we may have climbed!

In today's Gospel, Mark1: 29-39, Jesus teaches us how to deal with life when it gets overwhelming, when we are pressed by the crowd (be that  human crowds or the crowd of negative emotions) and need space to sort things out and clear our minds! Jesus finds a private place away from people and communes with His Father!  We can and need to do the same if we are to maintain our peace of mind and be able to serve others well!

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