Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Power and Sovereignty of the Name of Jesus

Today we celebrate the feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, a name above all other names (cf. Phil. 2:9). Most, if not all of our prayers, end with:  “We ask this in Jesus’ name.” In the “Our Father” we pray: “Hallowed be thy name.”  In the Magnificat, Mary gives praise to God, praying: “…the Almighty has done great things for me, Holy is his name…”  In Psalm 11, we pray:  “Deliverance he sends to his people, his covenant he imposes for ever; holy and awesome his name.”

There is power in the name of Jesus. Paul, in Ephesians 1: 20-22 proclaims “how extraordinarily great is the power that he has exercised for us believers; this accords with the strength of his power at work in him at his right hand, in heaven, far above every principality, ruling force, power or sovereignty, or any other name that can be named, not  only in this age but also in the age to come.”   Simply and prayerfully repeating the name of Jesus with reverence has powerful effects upon us, planting within us seeds of joy, peace, healing, and reconciliation.  The faith, trust and love of believers is deepened when we reverently repeat the name of Jesus in the depth of our hearts.

May you know the power of this holy name in your prayer for others and for yourselves.

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