Monday, June 1, 2015

The Holy Trinity


Three persons in one God!
Holiness in its fullness belong to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!
Ever ending is the Father’s communication with the Son, the Son’s obedience to the Father and the Holy Spirit’s loving union with the Father and the Son.

Handing His plan for the salvation of the world to His Son Jesus, Jesus, in turns, carries it out in His humanity.
Only to do what the Father tells Him to do is the Son’s resolve.
Little, or no concern, for the cost of obedience is Jesus’ disposition toward the Father.
Yesterday, today and tomorrow, God is always the same in His love for us.

Three persons in one God; one God in three Divine Persons.
Ready to carry out the Father’s will, Jesus does not cling to the glory that was His but becomes human.                                                                                                                 
In sync  with the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit descends down upon Jesus at His baptism while the Father’s voice is heard proclaiming: “This is my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.”
Never cowering from His mission, Jesus follows the Spirit out into the desert where He is tempted.
In accord with the Father’s will, the Spirit descends upon the apostles and disciples on Pentecost.
Throughout His life, Jesus seeks time alone with the Father and, with the Spirit, casts out demons, heals the sick, the blind, the deaf and the dumb.
Yesterday, today and tomorrow, we encounter the Spirit  whom Jesus promised to send once He returned to His Father in heaven.

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