Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A Lenten Fast that Transforms my Inner Self

Today we begin the holy season of Lent.  What might I do this Lent that will lead to my being a better person at the close of Lent, one day, one moment, at a time? What will lead me to being more loving, more forgiving,  more generous with my time, my gifts and talents? What will lead me to being more sensitive to the feelings of others: my husband or wife, my children, that person that I’d prefer to shun?  What will lead me to improved relationships with myself and then with others, as charity begins at home?
What, I might ask myself, blocks me, each day, this moment, from being my best self and what can I during Lent, one day at a time, one moment at a time, to remove the blockage? What hinders me from being the loving,  forgiving person,  the generous  person, and/or the sensitive person I want to be?  What can I do, one day at a time, one moment  at a time, this Lent, to remove a hindrance to my growth in love, forgiveness, and generosity?

May my answers to one or more of those questions lead me to changing one behavior or one attitude that transforms me into the woman/the man/the adolescent or the young adult God intends me to be. In other words, may Christ, the Word of God, become flesh in me  because  the fast I choose makes me more loving, more caring, more generous and more forgiving than I was before this Lenten season began.

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