Monday, January 5, 2015

Faith, Repentance and Love

In today’s first reading, 1 John 3:22-4:6, John  speaks about the importance of believing “in the name of [God’s only begotten] Son, Jesus Christ” and loving others with the tenderness with which God loves us.  We are cautioned to discern “every spirit,”  to “see whether they belong to God” or whether they are coming from “false prophets,” from  antichrists, that is,  from those who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ come in the flesh.   Hear Jesus address this message directly to you. He might be saying:

Your name,   believe in Me, a Light in the darkness, the Divine Physician who heals all illnesses, (See today’s Gospel, Mt. 4: 12-17,, 23-25), all paralyses, all that cripples, that causes deafness and blindness. Love one another as I love you, forgive others and yourself as I forgive you.  Repent and believe.  The Kingdom of God is among you, within you, and around you. The Kingdom of God is here. There is One among you, in the world, that is greater than any antichrist, greater than non-believers, idolaters, and those who follow false prophets.   Believe in Me, the one true God.  I have conquered the world through obedience to My Father and your Father, my God and your God and through love.  Believe, love and obey the Spirit directing you.  
You’ve seen the darkness of night give way to day.  So, too, the darkness of unbelief and hatred will give way to the Light that I am.

Repent and believe.  The Kingdom of God is here!

What must I believe, Lord?

That I am God; there is no other.
That  I sent my only begotten Son into the world to save the world and all in it from Satan’s power.
That my Son will return to bring all whom I have given Him back to me at the end of time.

What do I believe?

I believe that You, Lord, are God, the Word of God made flesh.
I believe that You sacrificed Your life as the Incarnate Word made flesh to save humankind from eternal death.
I believe that You revealed God’s love for each one of us by your life and death.
I believe You trusted the Father , through whose power You conquered sin and death and rose from the dead to life everlasting, so we, too, will conquer sin and death in Your name and live with You in God’s Kingdom forever.

Prayer: Lord, when I face sin in me today, may I repent and  believe in Your mercy and love.

Your beliefs? Your prayer?

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