Monday, July 29, 2013

Falling Down, Falling Upward and Getting Up

In today’s first reading, Exodus 32: 15-24, 30-34, Moses catches the people violating the covenant!  Seeing them worshiping a golden calf, Moses’ anger flared up, so that he threw the tablets down and broke them…” Aaron stands by the people, saying to Moses: “Let not my lord be angry. You know well enough how prone the people are to evil.”  He then goes on to explain how he himself got into the predicament in which he found himself.

All of us have a “Moses,” an “Aaron, and the likes of the Chosen People within us.  Each of us is prone to evil and may register shock—be scandalized—when we encounter sin within ourselves or others.  Each of us, from time to time during our lifetime, will find ourselves in predicaments that lead us into sinful behaviors--we fall and wonder how we got there.  There are no exceptions, though  persons may perceive themselves exempt as they point fingers at others. 

The Lord is a merciful God, slow to anger and quick to kindness.   Through His forgiveness, His kindness and our own, we fall "upward" into grace.  At a workshop a few years ago, the featured speaker presented us with the following guidelines for living life fully:
1. Sit in the front row of your life--get involved, participate.  First,  depend on yourself and not on others; then collaborate, negotiate!
2. If you make a mistake, say "How fascinating!"  What can I learn here? What opportunity is this affording me?
3. Stop the voices in your head. Say to them:  "Thank you for showing up; I'm busy"  and follow your dreams of making a difference, contributing.  What do you want to make happen and go for it!
4. Live in the current/wind/fire of radiating possibilities.  Connect with others in this way, not by focusing on what's wrong, not by criticizing the other person, life, events, etc.

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