Friday, April 13, 2012

Who made your breakfast this morning?

Notice today’s Gospel Reading, Jn 21: 1-14. Peter, John and other disciples have been out fishing all night on the Sea of Tiberias. They have caught nothing. Jesus, out of nowhere, appears on the shore and asked them: “Have you caught anything to eat,” as if He didn’t know.  When they respond “No, nothing”—such respect on the part of Jesus—He suggests that they cast their nets on the other side of the boat! As they do that, He begins preparing breakfast for them.  What an act of generosity and earthiness: Jesus, the Son of God, the Risen Christ, making breakfast for His friends and serving them as He did at the Last Supper!

My response: “Lord, that is you in each of our lives, in my life.  You appear out of nowhere. Sometimes I recognize you. At other times, I do not!  Sometimes, I am John pointing You out to others. Sometimes I am the one who learns of Your presence through another. At times, like Peter, I race toward You, even after having denied you and/or pretended that I did not know you, that is, I did not want to be associated with certain kinds of people, places, or things. At times  I have avoided those who might challenge me, the one’s you put in my life for my conversion, for my sanity, for my well-being. You take no notice, but eagerly serve me “breakfast,” and then intimately converse with me afterwards, asking me if I love you! Your love for me, of course, has never waned. You are madly in love with me, with all of us,  all of the time, seeking ways to appear out of nowhere to serve our needs , draw us closer to You, and give us directions as well as an example of  serving others and building up the Kingdom of God on this earth!

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