Monday, April 30, 2012

Abundance of life

“I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly”  (John 10:10).  At the end of a day I may be spent, nothing left to give.  The next morning I wake up alert, renewed, with lots of energy for the day.  I have been given an abundance of life while I slept.  As I move through the day, my life receives even more of the abundance of life God has waiting for those who love Him, seek Him, and serve Him. I may wonder where I will get the insight I need for a certain project or the patience I need to deal with a trying situation or the strength to take on a difficult project. Yet, there is God waiting to meet my need, whatever it might be.   “I came that you might have life and have it more abundantly.”
So what happens when I experience a meager supply? It certainly is not that God is not prepared to give me the abundance He wants to give me. So the problem may be that I am not seeking what I need or do not acknowledge my deficit or weakness or inadequacy.  I do know that Jesus, who showed us who His Father is, always responded to the needy, at one time feeding 5000+ people with two loaves and seven fishes. At other times He restored the dead child/youth to a grieving parent and, at still other times, cast out demons, healed the sick and blind and deaf.  He does so today because He has come so that we “might have life and have it more abundantly.”  Most times, my experience is that God is super generous, a superior giver, a profoundly compassionate God, ready at all times. What about you?

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