Monday, December 19, 2011

God's messengers announcing important births

In both readings today, Judges 13: 2-7, 24-25a and Lk 1: 1-25 an angel announces two very important births. In  the first reading from Judges, an angel appears to a barren woman  and announces that she shall bear  a son. This son will be consecrated in her womb and, moved by the Spirit, shall begin the deliverance of Israel. Delivered from what, you ask? From those who are attempting to deny them entrance into the Promised Land. In the Gospel the angel Gabriel announces to Zachariah that his wife, also barren, shall bear a son.This son shall prepare the way for the Messiah.  If we fast forward to the 21st century, we, too, are being delivered, to this very day, from those forces that attempt to deter us from reaching God’s promise of eternal salvation and life with Him for all eternity as well as from accepting our role in salvation history. We, too have person's who prepare us for the way of the Lord and to be disciples of the Lord.  Who are the ones in your life, stirred by the Spirit, who deliver you from selfish, sinful pursuits and negative, destructive attitudes and model discipleship for you?  For me, my deliverance began with my parents, God’s messengers and faithful followers of Christ, and continues to this very day through the Sisters with whom I live and those to and with whom I minister and who, in turn, minister to me.  God's messengers in my life, "angels of deliverance" are also the authors of the Scriptures, of spiritual books, directors of retreats, homilists, a neighbor, street people, the poor and marginalized, the sick and dying, children and babes in a parent's arms, and so many more who open my eyes to God's love and mercy and invite me to be of service. Who are the “angels of deliverance” in your life? Who prepares you to walk the ways of God, to receive Jesus as the One who will set you free and bring you closer and closer to experiencing the fullness of life that Jesus promises in the Gospels?

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